Kelly & Pam 

Kelly & Pam 

We are Kelly & Pam of Measure & Pinch- two home cooks that love recipes new and old, celebrations, and talking about food!  We have two completely opposite methods of cooking which brings a lot of fun into the kitchen. This blog is a collection of our favorite recipes,  photos and stories.  We hope that you enjoy it and look forward to hearing from you!

Jersey Shore 2014 


My friend Kelly  (Pinch) is one of the most talented people I know & the best cook bar none (apologies to my sister in law Anna!)

You’d think I’d know that from the hundreds of meals we’ve cooked together over the years but, that wasn’t what tipped me off. It was something as basic as beans. Yes, Bush’s baked beans, thank you very much. I threw them into my favorite pan to let them simmer. As Kelly walked by she looked at them, tasted them and then, she grabbed the Gulden’s spicy brown mustard and cinnamon. A squirt here, a sprinkle there and they were the most delicious beans ever!

If Kelly isn't talking about music (Pearl Jam to be specific) she is talking about FOOD.   Kelly's favorite conversations are about who cooks what, when and how.  Most of these conversations lead back to her parents.  She says "even a glass of water tasted better from my mother's kitchen"  - runs in the family.  This girl reads cookbooks at night like a novel "to relax", but literally never uses them in the kitchen.  Rather she throws things together, deliciously.

Generally, she creates incredible things from scratch but, if she’s starting with something pre-made or something I’ve started, she adds a pinch or throws a little something to make it the best it can be. Attorney by day, amazing, loving mother, step mother and wife by night, she’s as talented as they come. Kelly was born and raised in Long Island, Irish as the day is long and on paper, we couldn’t be more opposite but, there aren’t two people you’d rather be in the kitchen with cooking!

Kelly in her happy place

Kelly in her happy place


Pam (aka "Measure")

Personally, I would hate being referred to as the "measure" part of "Measure & Pinch", but my Pamela embraces her cooking identity

Anyway, to accurately describe Pam would require the voices of angels with the harps and trumpets and all that wonderful stuff. I have none of those things, so I ask you to use your imagination.

Picture if you will, a girl scout with the most perfectly pressed uniform.  If there is a badge to be earned, she has earned it.  The badges are all displayed perfectly on her sash.  She's taking turns smoothing down her skirt then smoothing down her cute little bob. She's here to help and happy to do it with the biggest, brightest, most contagious smile. 

Now picture a powerful business executive who is respected by everyone around her.  She is brutally honest, extraordinarily effective and wonderfully generous with her time, talent and advice.  She loves her teams & wants you to do well.  She'll teach you how to succeed, then you're accountable.  

Pam is both of these people wrapped up in a tiny package.  She is the nicest, most thoughtful person that I know, but she's also powerful and effective. Lets just say, Pam gets things done and done right.   She does things with heart and soul, but she also adds intelligence and preparedness.  Its brilliant.  

As for Pam's cooking, it should be no surprise that she follows recipes to the letter, (hence "measure") and she doesn't accept failure.  I've watched Pam trash an entire pan full of risotto at its 18th minute because it didn't "look right" and then start all over.   Pam is the kind of cook that uses her iPhone alarm clock to be sure to never over or under cook anything... ever.   Pam is also the type of cook that wont accept a mild to moderate appetite.  When you go to Pam's kitchen, you better be hungry.  Every weekend, she cooks enough food for two ARMYs.  My cabinets are overflowing with Tupperware that originally lived in Pam's kitchen.   I'll return them, eventually.

In a nutshell, Pam will laugh and joke her way through any meal but she never "throws" anything together and never skimps.  She never "pinches", that's where I come in. 

Pam in Kelly's kitchen

Pam in Kelly's kitchen

Thank you for visiting!

xo, measure & a pinch,

Pam & Kelly

Kelly being a mom, Pam being a Pats fan. 

Kelly being a mom, Pam being a Pats fan.