Summer Seven Deadly Sips #2

Thirsty Thursday Featuring: The Frozen Mudslide, the second of Summer's Seven Deadly Sips.

So, Kelly, Pete, McSweeney & I were mixing cocktails and since I didn't have dessert prepared, we decided to drink it!

McSweeney made mudslides. Total yum.

We decided to mix them with ice cream (it was dessert after all) and top them off with a little whipped cream & Hershey's syrup!



The recipe is easy: 

  • Equal parts, Vodka, Baileys, Kahlua, cream & ice to the consistency you like. 

In this case, we substituted vanilla ice cream for the cream and the ice but, you can also use skim milk to go a little easier on the calories. 

This shot was really to show the glasses. One of the best Christmas presents of all time from Pete & Kelly (pinch, that is!) These are 7 deadly sins rocks glasses!

We chose Envy for this drink photo because, let's face it, who doesn't want to try this!? 

Enjoy, xo Measure 

7 deadly sins glasses

7 deadly sins glasses