Chocolate Bananalicious-Bread

Don't look away.... I know, the bananas look scary but, THIS is what you're looking for when you're baking banana bread! The blacker the better, truly! 

A photo of 4 bananas but, you need 6 for super yummy goodness! 

A photo of 4 bananas but, you need 6 for super yummy goodness!


You know how there are certain things that you just love to eat? Those things that when put in front of you, you eat the "entire thing.." A sleeve of Pringles. A sleeve of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies?  I dare say, this is one of those things, at least that's what I'm told. 

Inspired by an old colleague, at one of my all time favorite companies, this banana bread is insanely good. And, the best part? It only makes a double batch!!! 

Ok folks, have at it! 

  • 6 black bananas, please peel them, use the yummy goodness inside
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter (very soft, if not melted) 
  • 2 beaten eggs. 
  • 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract. 
  • mix all that up, if you have a kitchen aid, even better! throw it in there. 
  • Then, add 2 cups of flour and 2 teaspoons of baking soda! (Don't forget the baking soda, learned that one the hard way, the bread won't rise.. )
  • 1 1/2 cups of itty bitty chocolate chips! 

Mix it all up!

Before you start, butter your (2) loaf pans. I use glass ones. They have to be coated in butter! Split the batter in half and you're ready to bake.

Oven-wise, you'll pre-heat to 350. The first 1/2 hour, stay at 350, reduce to 300 and bake for 35-40 minutes. Check after 35, it shouldn't be drippy in the middle. the 30 minute mark, just before the change in temperature. the 30 minute mark, just before the change in temperature.


I don't have a finished product photo for you on this one because, and this is my personal opinion, when you cut into a piping hot yummy slice of bread stuffed with gooey gooey chocolate chips, it doesn't always look fabulous!

We will try to update the blog with a photo if we find one, every time we eat it though! We'll see, perhaps we'll be able to capture that yummy goodness but, if you take a photo when you try it maybe you can share yours! :) 


xo Measure