Herb Roasted Vegetables with Feta

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"Eating Clean" what does it really mean? 

Everyone has their way of eating, their diet, their lifestyle.  Lately, there seems to be a label for every type.  Personally, I've always loved vegetables, felt so-so about meat, loved local farm fresh produce and fish, fish, fish.  I'll eat anything that swims, crawls or burrows in any body of water.  Also, I'll also eat any cookie, any type, any time, always.  It turns out, I'm an "80/20, wanna-be vegetarian, locavorte, pescatarian cookie monster."   By the way, I learned all of these labels from Instagram, so please don't quote me.

Anyway, this type of "recipe" has been part of my diet since birth.  Turns out my mom was also an 80/20, wanna-be vegetarian, locavorte, pescatarian, cookie monster!   (giggles from Heaven)   Ultimately, I think the goal is a nice balanced  healthy "clean" diet that also includes wine & treats.

This is a roasted vegetable dish that's eating clean without even knowing it.  (is cheese unclean?)  Fresh vegetables, naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber.. all the good stuff.   I toss in the salty, feta for richness and some dill to brighten it up.   Its perfect on its own or as a perfect accompaniment to any pesca-loca-carnivore meal!

Here's what you'll need:

  • 3-4 peppers, mixed colors, chopped
  • 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 red onion, sliced
  • 1-2 zucchini, sliced into half moons
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • rosemary, small bunch, stems removed
  • dill, small bunch, chopped
  • thyme, small bunch, stems removed
  • 4 oz feta cheese, crumbled or cubed 
  • salt & pepper

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees while you chop your vegetables and herbs.  Add all vegetables and herbs to a large shallow sheet pan.  Toss with olive oil, salt & pepper.  Roast for 15-20 minutes until the vegetables soften and brown.  Let rest for 5 minutes.

Toss roasted vegetables with feta cheese.  Garnish with extra herbs.

Vegan, Vegetarian,  Carnivore, Carb-phobe, Paelo, etc....So, what type of eater are you?

xo & a pinch,


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